The Lost Generation Operations & Overview at the University of North Texas (UNT)


To empower K-12 students in and out of the classroom through the implementation of collegiate mentors and enlightening programs, providing students with an equitable opportunity to learn, grow, and produce sustainable futures.

Critical Information

  • If you want to be a Mentor in Addition to Serving as an Executive Board Member or Ambassador, you will need to Complete an Application for BOTH
  • Filling out an Ambassador, Mentor, or Executive Board Application Excludes you from Filling out General Membership Application; General Membership Application is Reserved for Individuals with no Executive Board, Ambassador or Mentor Intention
  • Applications, which are Linked Below and also Under the "Forms" Tab on Website, are Short on Purpose (Anywhere between 3-5 Questions) & Will be Reviewed in the Order in which they're Received 
  • All Majors are Welcomed & Encouraged to Apply 
  • You Won't Be Required to Pay Full Dues for Multiple Positions should you be a Mentor & Ambassador/Executive Board Member (A Small Fee Might Apply Depending on Count & Outside Resources) 
  • The Lost Generation does not have a "Criteria" when working with K-12 Students; We Allow Schools to Recommend Students for our Services. These Students are Usually Low-Income, At-Risk or Minority Students.

6 Problematic Factors in Education for Black & Latinx Students The Lost Generation’s Services Combat

**The Lost Generation serves students of all ethnicities and backgrounds. We do not select the students who receive our services; however, school leaders are likely to select primarily Black & Latinx students to meet their unique needs.**

  • Black & Latinx Students Are Being Targeted Significantly More for Discipline in Comparison to their White Counterparts
  • The High School Dropout Rate is Higher for These Students & College Enrollment is Lower
  • There's a Growing Achievement/Opportunity Gap for these Students as a Result from Inequitable Education Disparities from the Allocation of Resources 
  • Content & Curriculum Isn't Cultural Competent/Relevant which Leaves Students Feeling Unmotivated & Disengaged with School Learning 
  • Teachers, who Serve as Role-Models in Many Cases, Aren't Reflective of their Demographics & Don't Have the Proper Training to Meet the Diverse Needs of Students
  • Pandemic has Put Students Behind Academically, Mentally, Socially, & Emotionally

Membership Dues (Full Overview)

  • Executive Board: $75
  • Ambassador: $60
  • General Body Membership: $50 
  • Mentor Dues: $60

Executive Board Positions Fulfilled at UNT for the ‘23-’24 School Year

  • President 
  • Vice President 
  • Director of Professional Leadership & Development -
  • Program Director 
  • Director of Outreach & External Affairs 
  • Event Coordinator 
  • Finance Director 
  • Secretary
  • Volunteer Coordinator 
  • Director of Marketing & Public Relations 

Executive Board Logistics & Practice

Executive Board Dues: $75 (The only dues you’ll pay; covers Membership)

  • Dues Include: $500 Scholarship Eligibility, Executive Board Retreat, Fall Brunch, Polo Shirts, T-Shirts, & Business Cards
  • Executive Board will Begin Meeting in late July to Properly Plan for the '23-'24 School Year
  • Executive Board Members are Expected to Meet Once a Week Except for December & May 
  • Terms of Service: July 2023 - May 2024


Ambassador Logistics & Practice

Ambassador Dues: $60 (The only dues you’ll pay; covers Membership)

  • Dues Include: $500 Scholarship Eligibility, Ambassador Outing, & Ambassador T-Shirts
  • 15 Members will be Appointed to Ambassador Positions to Assist the Executive Board in the Execution of The Lost Generation's Mission & Goals through Special Tasks & Assignments
  • Ambassadors have the Opportunity to lead at least one general-body meeting and help coordinate Plans and Events
  • Ambassadors will be Led by Vice President
  • Ambassadors are Expected to Meet Once every Two Weeks
  • Terms of Service: August 2023 - May 2024


General Body Member Logistics & Practice

General Membership Dues: $50

  • Dues Include: $1,000 Scholarship Eligibility & Membership T-Shirts
  • Fall & Spring Member Celebrations (Food & Drinks Provided) 
  • Special Incentives & Opportunities Allocated to Members through The Lost Generation and other Public & Private Sectors


Mentorship Logistics & Practice

Mentor Dues: $60 (The only dues you’ll pay; covers Membership)

  • Term Start Date: 9/5/23 (Training will take place in August) 
  • Term End Date: 5/17/24
  • Estimated 64 Mentors Needed- Confirmation from Schools Coming Soon
  • Dues Include: $1,000 Stipend Guaranteed for Completed Service, (2) $1,000 Scholarship Eligibility, & Polo Shirt
  • Mentors Decides their own Hours & Days on Campus
  • Mentors can Select their Top 3 Grade Level Preferences to Mentor for Mentor/Mentee Matching Process - (Mentor Options are from 3rd Grade - 12th Grade) 
  • Mentor Reports to Assigned Campus Twice a Week for an Hour & 30 Minutes Each Day
  • 5 Students Assigned to Each Mentor
  • 10-Minute Virtual Monthly Check-In Sessions with Mentor Supervisor 
  • Mentors Receive Training Before Service - You can apply to be a Mentor with no Official Experience; Use External Experiences such as Being an Older Sibling, Leading a Younger Church Group, Guiding Your Peers, & other Acts of Service & Leadership if You Don't Have Official Experience
  • Mentorship Revolves Around 3 Primary Components of Learning Opportunities & Enrichment Activities, GALLUP CliftonStrengths Coaching, & Restorative Behavioral Practices
  • Mentors Must be able to Pass a Background Check
  • Mentors Must Apply & Make Themselves Available for Interview in the Upcoming Weeks (Preferably in Person but will Accommodate Virtual Interviews) 
  • The Great Impact of K-12 Students Having a Mentor can be Found Here: Mentor Statistics


Scholarships TBD for Service

Scholarship Acquisition

  • General Member Scholarship is Awarded Primarily on a Point-Scale Basis- Members Receive Points for their Attendance at Meetings, Events, & Programs
  • Other Scholarships Dictated by Points, Drawings, & Applications

Empowering the Youth Overview & Events Planned for Denton ISD

  • Dressed in business professional attire, members greet students arriving at school with smiles, high-fives, and signs with positive affirmations to show our support by way of encouragement and demonstration. Following, members go inside gym/cafeteria to deliver a speech to students centered on cherishing their opportunity to learn, dream, and achieve. We then conduct a dance competition as a fun way to conclude the event. Previous Empowering the Youth Event
  • (2) Elementary Schools 
  • (2) Middle Schools 
  • (8) Speakers Needed, 2 per Each Empowering the Youth Event; Speakers will Receive Training & Practice
  • Dates TBD

Programs & Emphasis to Benefit K-12 Students through Your Service

  • Bringing Class to the Classroom - Showing Young Men How to Act as Gentlemen, Showing Respect to Elders & Women, & Learning How to Tie a Tie- Each Participant Receives 1 Tie to Keep (Full Program Breakdown Found Here) 
    Ladies in Formation  - Showing Young Ladies How to Present Themselves Accordingly in Different Situations, Emphasizing Body Appreciation & Self-Respect (Full Program Breakdown Found Here) 
  • Mind Over Matter -  Mental Health Importance, Self-Evaluation & Advocacy, Responding in Difficult Situations & Positive Coping Mechanisms (Full Program Breakdown Here Found Here)
  • Keys to Success MS - High School Preparation & Transition with HS Principal Input & HS Student Feedback (Full Program Breakdown Found Here) 
  • Keys to Success HS - College Preparation & Transition Using Research & Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective College Students (Full Program Breakdown Found Here)

Program Logistics & Practice

  • Program Presenters (Members) Receive a $25 Gift Card for Each Program they Participate In
  • Members aren't Limited to the Number of Programs they'd like to Conduct
  • Members can be Mentors & Program Presenters
  • Programs last anywhere from 45-Minutes to an Hour for a 1-Time ONLY Session
  • Programs are Conducted at Denton ISD Schools
  • Program Presentations are Given to Program Presenters (Members) in Advance for Familiarity 
  • Dates for Programs are Scheduled in Advance; Elementary-Level Ladies in Formation program & Bringing Class to the Classroom program take place After-School Hours for Community Involvement 
  • Preferred Count of Program Presenters (Members) per Each Program are 3 to 4 Members
  • 30-40 Programs are Expected to be Conducted for the '23-'24 School Year

    List of Denton ISD Schools to Incorporate our Services for ‘23-’24 School Year TBA


  • The Lost Generation has Plans and Projections to expand our services across the state of Texas & Beyond to different colleges/universities 
  • Your Involvement will have Significant Reach and Impact both far and wide - Please don't let your willingness to join TLG be dependent on rather or not you receive a leadership and/or mentor position; ALL members receive great opportunities!

Social Media

  • Follow us on Social Media @tlg_unt_ on Instagram & Twitter, giveaways for Followers Coming Soon!


Questions or Concerns?

Fill out the Following Information if you have any questions on the dimensions of The Lost Generation as it pertains to your potential involvement in accordance with the information you see above.